Listen to “S3.E03. Immunity Defense. Cananbis Law. Finding Your Doctor. Future of Dispensaries.” on Spreaker.
00:00:13: cannabis news
00:07:14: Joe Dowling pt.1
00:12:29: CV Sciences Announcement
00:13:01: Joe Dowling pt.2
00:18:43: Morgan Fox
00:30:25: CV Sciences Announcement
00:31:39: Dr. Jordan Tishler
00:45:37: Michael Regan & Colin Ferrian
00:59:15: CV Sciences Announcement
Cannabis & Immunity Defense from CV Sciences
Joseph Dowling is the CEO of CV Sciences. He has thirty+ years experience in the life science, financial services and information technology industries. Mr. Dowling successfully pioneered start-up businesses and he worked with Fortune 500 companies. His leadership experience developed in operations, finance and accounting and more. Mr. Dowling also served as a Managing Director at Citigroup, a global financial services firm, and earlier in his career served various operating, finance and accounting roles in both public accounting and in the banking industry. CV Sciences developed two landmark products, which are, CV Defense, to build up and support the immune system, and CV Acute, to take when one has infection. He tells us why employees of CV Sciences receive these products for free. The vested interested of the company is to have healthy employees who remain safe and on the job. Find out what is behind the dedicated faith and implementation of CV Sciences products.
Senate Outlook on Changing Cannabis Law
Morgan Fox works with the National Cannabis Industry Association as the Director of Communication. Our conversation today is about expressed intentions by members of the Senate to bring major changes to cannabis law. This might be a de-scheduling bill of some sort to remove federal prohibition against cannabis. We can expect to see hearings in the Senate in this term. While hearings on this may come faster than some expected, legislation will quite some time to pass. Leading this effort are House Democrats who passed the MORE Act and it is support many advocates in Congress. Hear the latest progress and forecasts where we are going.
Finding Your Doctor
Dr. Jordan Tishler is a Harvard educated practitioner with a lot of experience with using cannabis as an alternative therapy to treat certain ailments. The conversation addresses pain management and how cannabis can be used. Further, how do we as patients, who want to take control of our care, find a doctor who has the compassion to help us find whatever treatment is necessary? What strain of cannabis might a doctor choose they need to treat somebody for pain? Dr. Tishler gives us answers from the point of view of an experienced practitioner. We come away with valuable information that some of us may need to know at one time or another.
The Future of Dispensaries
Michael J. Regan & Colin-Ferrian join us from MJResearchCo which conducts investment analysis and valuation of the cannabis industry. Prior to the pandemic, the model used for building a dispensary was the Apple store. Depending on the size of sophistication of these dispensaries, one could spend anywhere from one half million to a million dollars on construction. However, in the pandemic, cannabis was determined to be an essential product in some areas, so buying methods and delivery systems of cannabis suddenly changed. Home delivery quickly became a huge business in California and Colorado. Other states may follow. They may also develop online purchasing and drone delivery. What does this mean for the brick and mortar store and conventional dispensaries?