Repeal Rally Day in Delaware, December 4, 2021
Zoë Patchell is the Executive Director and co-Founder of the Delaware Cannabis Advocacy Network. They were actively involved organizing the:
Repeal Rally Day of December 4, 2021. This is a presentation of the Delaware Cannabis Policy Coalition who continues the annual legacy of these events. The 2021 rallies were organized for Wilmington and Rehoboth Delaware. These events are to rally support to influence Delaware legislators to legalize adult use of cannabis, has has been done in many other states.
Zoe joined NORML’s Women’s Alliance in 2010, she helped with Philadelphia events and participated in the movement in states across the nation. She attended trainings with Students for Sensible Drug Policy, Northeastern Institute of Cannabis, Americans for Safe Access, Marijuana Policy Project and the Silver Tour. Zoe is also a is a registered lobbyist and she works as a paralegal in Delaware.