W420 Lifestyle Radio Correspondent Rich Walcoff in the field Special Report:
Patrick King the Soil King
Patrick King started the Soil King Garden Center to manufacture soil blends that are ‘Designed by Grower’s 4 Grower’s’ with healthy tested inputs. He tested for pesticides and heavy metals long before proposition 64 requirements. Mr. King now owns every part of the cannabis industry from the picks and shovels, to distribution, manufacturing, cultivation, remediation etc. He also owns every cannabis license there is in the state of California. The Soil King became a pioneer and a leader in the industry while living by their mission statement: ‘Health Before Wealth.’ Hear Mr. King’s tell his amazing story of being arrest as teen and serving hard time for cannabis to become one the most successful and respected businessmen in the cannabis industry. #HealthBeforeWealth #TheSoilKing .