W420 Lifestyle Radio Correspondent Rich Walcoff in the field Special Report:
Legalization Pioneer and Martyr Eddy Lepp
Eddy Lepp is on the ‘Mount Rushmore’ of legalization pioneers. If you are one of the many who enjoy recreational marijuana in 17 U.S. states and medical marijuana in 37 American states, then you owe a huge debt of gratitude to an iconic figure in the movement, Eddy Lepp. Despite having a body now riddled with the cancer he has fought, Mr. Lepp (joined by his wife Sandra) speaks candidly with our correspondent Rich Walcoff in what may be his last interview.
He tells the heroic journey he went through that began with helping someone in need by providing them with medicinal marijuana.
This led to a vast grow in response to the need and demand of those around him. This also led to his arrest and incarceration with a 10-year sentence.
Although he was offered no jail time in return for turning in his buddies, Eddy Lepp chose instead to serve almost 9 years of his sentence.
Nonetheless, conviction by the state could not match the convictions of a true pioneer who helped pave the way for the legalization we see today. The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) called him a ‘marijuana martyr’. Numerous law enforcement figures, including those on the prosecution side, now lament the treatment that Mr. Lepp received. In the end, Eddy Lepp’s dedication and determination was one of the keys that turned the legal battle of legalization in a new direction.
Eddy has been my cherished friend and mentor since 1999. I originally met him with Bob Wilson [RIP] , who was known as ‘Hempery Bob’, because he owned the Hayward Hempery in Hayward CA. Bob was a fierce freedom fighter for Medical Cannabis, who also went through his trials and tribulations, wanting to run a MMJ dispensary. Bob was a great friend of mine and one of my mentors. My beloved friends Angelic and Daniel took me up to Eddy’s farm in Lake County, during the early 2000’s, where we all celebrated 420. When I got there it felt like I had entered Cannabis Nirvana. While there I had the joy of singing with Lynette Shaws band, ‘Pot for Peace’. Lynette is one of my great friends and mentors, since 1995. In fact, we are Medical Cannabis Sisters. As MMJ Activist’s we worked hard on Prop 215, which is a California States Right for Medical Cannabis. Eddy, please know that I have a deep respect and admiration for you. I am honored to have called you a cherished friend of mine, for all of these years. If this is really your last interview? Please know that when my time comes? I will come to meet up with you and Dennis Peron, Jack Herer and Brownie Mary, and all of the others, who are a part of my Medical Cannabis Family, up in Cannabis Heaven. It has been a lifes blessing to know you. May our life’s work for this Sacred Medical Cannabis Cause last throughout eternity. Jah Love, the Holy Hemptress [the original circa 1975 SF CA.]