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Dispensary Startups
Ellis Smith shares and lays out the challenges that exist in starting up a dispensary. Creating a welcoming environment with a good image; and the customer experience is essential. Retail fundamentals apply like any other retail enterprise, naturally. Therefore, location is a major consideration for a sustainable business model. Creating a five-year plan helps ensures a comfortable, and realistic profit. It is possible to turn a profit early. However, potential obstacles loom in the form of delays from licensing and regulation. Consulting with experienced professionals can help avoid the obstacles, and navigate your way to a successful business.
W420 Radio Correspondent Rich Walcoff in the field Special Report:
Brent Johnson on State Laws
Brent Johnson is CEO of Hoban Law Group which is among America’s largest cannabis law firms. They are based in Colorado, the first state to make cannabis legal. Their clients are state, national, and global; they advise not just on marijuana, but on hemp as well. Due to the possibility of national legalization being stalled, knowledge of state regulation is crucial. As state laws adapt to a growth industry that opposes federal law – cannabis businesses must be up-to-date on all laws and changes to move forward to their best benefit.
Sale Management Software
Alexandre Therrien is Solutions Manager at Lightspeed HQ. They help small and mid-sized businesses integrate point of sale (POS) software technology to guarantee they are running effectively. Whether managing a single or multiple stores; retail must manage their record keeping, and inventory to compete with online sales. Lightspeed advises businesses on how.
W420 Radio Correspondent, Chase Roberts, at:
International Cannabis Business Conference 2020
Interview with Janice Mackey of the CA Natural Resources Agency
Janice Mackey is an Information Officer for the State of California (Natural Resources Agency) Department of Fish and Wildlife. She details how the state is involved with the cannabis industry, and helping it grow and thrive. They hold permitting workshops, cultivation workshops, online workshops, and share and distribute educational materials…These activities and more are funded by the cannabis tax to help growers operate in an effective and environmentally-friendly manner.
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