Cannabis Industry Software
Dietary Changes
Joel Marion authored the book, ‘Always Eat After 7PM.’ Joel tells us why he wrote the book and what it can do for its readers. Interest and needs have elevated dietary consciousness as the need to stay healthy became important like never before. At the same time, state legalized cannabis products have found their way into new menus. Amid this all, Joel reveals discoveries that will have you rethink the accepted axioms of dietary norms. So, if you’re going to change your dietary habits, this may help you change them in the right way.
W420 Lifestyle Radio Correspondent Rich Walcoff
in the field Special Report:
Medical Cannabis as an Aid to What Ails you
Market Survival
Dustin McDonald is the acting Policy Director for Americans for Safe Access, which works to ensure safe and legal access to cannabis (marijuana) for therapeutic use and research. Far greater than half that states permit medical marijuana. As a result, many states are seeing an increase in tax revenues. Dispensaries have also opened across the country, but they had to adapt their methods after the pandemic hit. This changed delivery methods and more offerings of home delivery in order maintain a sustainable level of sales. That ripple effect across the industry is not only felt by dispensaries, by growers, marketing strategists and product developers as well. Gain a perspective on how a fledgling industry has had to learn to adapt and blossom at the same time.