W420 Lifestyle Radio Correspondent Rich Walcoff in the field Special Report:
Medical Cannabis as an Aide for What Ails You
Sara Payan is listed as “one of the Top 50 Women in Weed,” Sara Payan is an educator, public policy advocate, and writer. A stage 3 colon cancer survivor, she is also the Public Education Officer at The Apothecarium (a San Francisco-based dispensary with locations throughout Northern California, as well as in Nevada, Pennsylvania and New Jersey). For three years, Sara was vice-chair of the San Francisco Cannabis State Legalization Task Force & currently holds the seat representing medical cannabis patients and compassion programs on the San Francisco Cannabis Oversight Committee and is a member of the leadership team for the Bay Area chapter of Americans for Safe Access.
Sara was named one of the 100+ most important women in cannabis for 2019 and 2020 by Green Market Report. She has been highlighted in MJ Lifestyle Magazine, California Leaf, SF Chronicle, Dope Magazine, CannabisNow, High Times, Ladybud, Damian Marley’s “Medication” series & has been quoted in lifestyle publications such as Self Magazine. She writes for CannabisNow and is a member of the Rolling Stone Culture Council.