Changing Roles for Dispensary Bud Tenders in the New Market
John Kagia works at New Frontier Data as the Chief Knowledge Officer. In this segment we explore – what is the role of the bud tender in the dispensary? Now that distribution channels are changing with direct sales, alternate deliveries and the growing potential for online sales, how will dispensaries adapt to the change? Mr. Kagia from New Frontier Data addresses these questions from an analytical perspective based on lengthy and detailed research of the cannabis business. This kind of research is a trademark of New Frontier Data and they have emerged as the leading researchers of the cannabis business. Listen in on what anyone involved with the cannabis industry needs to know during these rapidly changes times.
Tilray Cannabis Outlook, a View Toward the Future
Irwin Simon is Chairman & CEO @ Aphria Inc., Executive Chairman of Whole Earth Brands, Inc., and, Presiding Director of MDC Partners Inc. Tilray just became the largest marijuana company in the world. Mr. Simon built success with forward looking projects. As far back as 1993, his ventures in natural foods and alternatives were ahead of its time. The world soon caught up. Now, the cannabis industry, we see tremendous changes . Mr. Simon looks ahead to share insights on where he believes the cannabis industry is going.
Advice to Investors
Michael J. Regan has more than 20 years of investing experience as a generalist equity analyst for consumer durables & cyclicals, industrials, chemicals, aerospace, media, telecom, tech, and REITs. His advice to new investors in cannabis. Many fundamentals apply; good balance sheets, good management team and good business practices in general. When looking at cannabis, specifically, Canadian and US companies prove to be in very different markets. These differences are explained by Mr. Regan who goes on to detail and market changes uniquely effect the cannabis industry.
BigMike Launches New Growing Products
BigMike Straumietis is an iconic pioneer and founder in the cannabis-growing industry. He became widely known as the source that teaches growers about hydroponic gardening. He offers an array of successfully marketed growing products, and, he teaches growers in gardening techniques. His leading company, Advanced Nutrients, is premiering a line of products this quarter, called, ‘BigMike’s Blend.’ This line includes pre-rolls, concentrates and vape pens, all developed with state of the art technology. They are currently available in California, and when the field changes, globally.