CBD Safety Standards
Stuart Tomc works in the Regulatory Department of CV Sciences ( as Vice President of Science, Regulation and Education. He talks about seven things to deal with stress. These not only help people in the cannabis industry, but they can help us in our everyday lives and help people in other businesses.
Dispensary Break-ins
Morgan Fox works at the National Cannabis Industry Association as Media Relations Director. Amid the riots that have taken place across the nation recently, there have also been a rash of burglaries at numerous marijuana dispensaries. Marijuana dispensaries are often denied banking because marijuana is classified as a schedule one drug and prohibited by the Fed. This means they often keep cash on hand, leaving them prey to theft.
A Report on Six Years of Cannabis Use in Colorado
John Kagia works at New Frontier Data as the Chief Knowledge Officer. He collects data and conducts extensive research on the cannabis industry. A report that he did looks at the six year anniversary of recreational cannabis in the state of Colorado. Listen in to hear his findings.
COVID Vaccine Development
Brent Zettl is President and CEO of Zyus Life Sciences which is focused on advancing the science of wellbeing. Zyus has two main areas of focus for producing in therapeutics. One is in the cannabis arena, producing cannabinoids that are designed for the medical arena. The second is what are called therapeutic proteins, which are used in vaccines. What is the potential of a cannabis-based vaccine against the corona virus? Learn what they are working on now.