What to Do Next in this Business Phase
Codie Sanchez is the Managing Director of Entourage Effect Capital. She discusses key points for cannabis business to consider in this recession and how to prepare for the next business turn. What expenses can you cut? How should you prioritize? What costs can you renegotiate and what payments could you defer? Conversely, companies who enough capital to ride out the recession may find this to be a great time to grab market share. Emergence on the other side of this downturn could bring exponential growth, so the time to position for that is now.
Business Reactions to the Economic Slowdown
Nick Richards, Esq. discusses how the economic slo down has affected the industry and his practice, and, what it might look like on the other side. Much of his practice shifted toward helping clients find out more about the business assistance programs and loans offered by the government. Many states consider medical marijuana dispensaries to be essential so they are allowed to stay open. However, some states closed the recreational side of the business.
Treating Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Thorsten Rudroff, PhD studied Multiple Sclerosis for a long time. It is a disease for which we do not know the cause. Nonetheless, some seventy percent of patients with MS are using medical marijuana to treat MS for symptoms like fatigue. Some physical therapists approached Dr. Rudroff regarding this treatment. Many patients are not given guidance on how to use cannabis. So the doctor researched the most effective ratios of CBD and THC for treatment of things like pain and muscle specificity while seeking the fewest side effects.
CBD Safety Standards
Stuart Tomc is Vice President in charge of Human Nutrition and Plus CBD Oil which is produced by CVSciences.com . This is company that pioneered aspects of the current CBD market and they helped get the farm bill passed. Mr. Tomc tells how legislation that put the FDA in charge liberated CBD production by establishing a single decision maker. He also advises how you can check products for safety standards and product authentication.