W420 Lifestyle Radio Correspondent Rich Walcoff in the field Special Report:
The ‘420 Guys’ who created the term ‘420’ for Marijuana
Steve Capper and David Reddix are (San Rafael High School, Class of 1971) – are two of the five ‘420 Guys’ who created the universally-accepted phrase ‘420’ when referring to cannabis. At this point, almost everyone is familiar with the “well-coined term,” but not everyone knows its origin. Here’s a clue – it has nothing to do with the date of April 20, yet it is time-related. Hear first-hand how five bright students unwittingly added to the lexicon of American culture and the global zeitgeist – just by setting up their cannabis-related smoking meeting time. Both Steve and David join our 420-lifestyle correspondent to tell this story and many more in a fun and interesting interview.
See the YouTube version of this interview: w420radionetwork.com/rich-walcoff-w-dave-reddix-steve-capper-the-w420-guys/ »
W420 Lifestyle Radio Correspondent Rich Walcoff in the field Special Report:
Luma Farms Growers
Enzo & Curtis Wall from Luma Farms join us and an in depth interview on their growing operation in Penngrove California. Learn about their specialized growing and packaging process as they take our own, Rich Walcoff on a tour of the farms. Their unique process develops organically grown, regenerative and sustainable practices that use living soil, cover crops and organisms. It is a fascinating method, and you can hear how its done.
Listen to “Luma Farms Growers of California” on Spreaker.
Women In Cannabis with Chase Roberts:
Lemonhaze: B2B Cannabis Events
Penny Cook is the acting Chief Operating of Lemonhaze, a B2B cannabis events company. They launched a unique company that specializes in premier boutique events to facilitate connections within the cannabis space. In so doing, they bring thousands of people from the industry together by providing Up-Fronts for Brand Salespeople and Retail Buyers, hosting Executive Golf Tournaments, Budtender Events, Education, Conventions, Industry Reports, and more. This is an interacting world of connections!
Listen to “Lemonhaze: B2B Cannabis Events” on Spreaker.